Diamondcard Prepaid Calling Card Platform |
Asterisk based Prepaid Calling Card Platform
Below are features of our Diamondcard.us prepaid calling card platform. Although this page is about our web based prepaid calling card platform, a complete VOIP system like the one at www.diamondcard.us can also be licensed and private labeled for companies that want to get into the VOIP services industry NOW. Why wait months or years to develop it yourself when you can have it all RIGHT NOW.
Users of the service can be one of the following:
- Prepaid calling cards.
- Softphone users. SIP, Asterisk or H323 protocol.
- Cisco ATA 186.
- Quintum equipment - Office or business users.
- Accounts can be prepaid as in calling cards or virtual calling card accounts where a customer account can be created manually or online using multiple real time payment methods. Credit cards using one of many payment gateways, domestic or International bank transfer, E-gold and goldmoney.
- Billing system is integrated for callls routed through an Asterisk server.
- Calls through an Asterisk server pass through three states:
- Authentication - Asterisk server searches the users PIN in local DB and if it is located it will allow the call to go through. If the PIN is not found in the local Asterisk DB, then system will reject the call.
- Authorization - When user enters destination number Asterisk
server sends request to billing system where PIN number can identify
account of the user and check cash balance for his account. Then billing system determines credit time for this account and calculates call duration based on destination country rate compared to credit
in the account.
- Accounting - When a call is completed billing system does
accounting. It calculates call cost and reduces money from the account.
- In our Diamondcard system a user can call several destinations simultaneously within one session and one account.
Our system has additional features such as access numbers with the following attributes:
- - Authentication, Authorization and Accounting. System supports three radius methods.
- - Pinless authentication - System can authenticate a user by the number he calls in from.
- - Web based user interface. Users can access their personalized administration center from anywhere, 24/7.
- - Debit calling card billing model with PIN number authentication.
- - All prepaid phone cards have a ten-digit serial number and a twelve-digit PIN (which should be covered by a scratch area). The PINs provide account number identification to the server as well as an authentication number which is unique to that account. This prevents misuse of the account if the account number is known. The algorithm used to generate the PIN is a highly-specialized authentication scheme unique to Dreamtime and is practically unbreakable.
- - Flexible destinations. System can register unlimited destination points with description and call prefix of each point.
- - Destination points can be arranged into groups for more flexible management.
- - Flexible interface for managing access devices. Devices can be arranged within groups and each access point can be assigned unique pricing. This gives great flexibility in assigning pricing based on where the users call in from.
- - Flexible price list features. Price lists can be extended with connection fees for different destinations. Call costs can be changed depending on call length per destination. Price lists can contain unlimited destination points. Price lists can support tiered pricing depending on call length within time elements of a call. Price lists also incorporate other advanced features.
- - Multi-currency support. Each user can view billing reports in over 23 currencies and pay in multiple currencies.
- - Online reporting. Users can view their online balance history and call history in their local time and in their local currency with up to the minute currency conversion. This gives global users a more confortable environment for checking their accounts.
- - Auto-recharge system. Users can set up to auto-recharge their account. If their account drops below some pre-determined minimal amount, the account is recharged. In this way users don't have to worry about their account dropping to $0 and not being able to make or receive calls. Auto-recharge works with credit cards.
- - Multiple payment methods support. Users can choose which payment method they want to use. Diamondcard supports all major credit cards, bank wires, E-gold and Goldmoney.
- - Simultaneous calls support. Users can specify if they want simultaneous call capability or not. If yes, then they can set the duration for how long these calls will be on average. The average call duration setting determines how much money in reserve is set for calls as they are occurring simultaneously in real time.
- - Multi-language IVR. System can be tuned to play IVR in multiple languages within one server.
- - Unlimited expandability. Asterisk based system offers the flexibility to accommodate specific or unique features that you may require. Diamondcard system offers modification flexibility at many levels.
- - Personal phone numbers. Users can buy personal phone numbers and all calls to this number can be redirected to a SIP, IAX, land or mobile phone anywhere in the world!
- - Calls can be made in multiple ways. Local access number, toll free number, softphone, Asterisk server, office PBX server, SIP hard or softphone, H323, etc.
- - Two types of users are in billing system. First one is customer (user) which makes calls and the second one is the administrator who can create prepaid calling cards and accounts for users and usually administers the system.
- - Prepaid calling cards can be arranged in batches. Prepaid calling card batches can be created in minutes with one mouse click.
- - Billing system supports a wide spectrum of VoIP device types. Quintum, Asterisk, Cisco.
Screenshots of the Diamondcard Prepaid Calling Card Platform -
http://dogma.dreamtime.net/diamondcard/prepaid-calling-card-platform-Screen-Shots.zip The zip is 1.6 megs.
For more information email sales AT diamondcard.us and mention that you are interested in the Diamondcard.us prepaid calling card platform.